DECEMBER 2, 2009
PRESENT: David Cannell, Anthony Hollister, James Reik, Kenneth Sek, Scott Hollister, Bruce Jokubaitis, Christine Durrer, Peter Klock, Paula Saaf
CALL OR ORDER: Meeting started at 6:05 pm.
OPPORTUNITY FOR RESIDENTS TO SPEAK: Cynthia Reik asked the possibility of having the schools involved with the Hockanum River Commission through art or photography. She will approach her contacts at the schools and report back to the Commission at the next meeting
APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Commission reviewed minutes from August 26, 2009. Dave made a motion to accept the minutes of August 26, 2009, seconded by Christine. Motion carried.
Scott spoke about the funds for the trails that were mentioned in August. There was stimulus funds allocated to the trail, but they have to be filtered through the State and there have been no further reports on when and how the funds will be dispersed. Waiting to hear from the State.
- Bruce reported that there was damage to the trail near Olde Roberts street because of a recent car accident. There needs to be major clean up and repairs. Commission wanted to know if the person involved with the accident was going to be responsible for paying for the damages or if the Town was. Paula will check with Roger Moss on who will pay for and who will repair the trail, and report back to the Commission.
- Letter from Gazette Editor – not brought to the meeting. Matter tabled until next meeting.
- Open discussions -
- Boat Launch Area –on how to improve the area. Floating dock could be used. Peter to investigate further and report back to Commission.
- Rotary – will they be having a duck race.
- Possibility of having a walk (similar to the old Mayor’s Walk). Could be a nature walk of the trail. Paula to set up a meeting with the Mayor to talk about the specifics, get direction, ideas, etc.
- Schedule of meetings for next year – There was discussion by the Commission on the frequency of meetings. Consensus was that quarterly still worked. Meeting dates scheduled as follows:
- February 17, 2010 May 19, 2010
- August 18, 2010 December 8, 2010
James made a motion to accept the schedule of meetings for 2010, seconded by
Christine. Motion carried.
PAYMENT OF BILLS: Dave made a motion to pay the clerk, seconded by Peter. Motion carried.
ADJOURNMENT: A motion was made by Bruce to adjourn the meeting seconded by Peter. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 7:00 pm.
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